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Arch Linux (EndeavourOS) Binding to port 80 – Permission Denied Solution

As with many tech issues, I have banged my head against this so you don’t have too. The problem here is EndeavourOS seems to in some way react differently with port bindings. I in my entire experience of using Docker on both Windows and various distros of Linux have never came across this problem until today. I could not for the life of me bind my Nginx server to port 80 or 443. It flagged up a Permission Problem, so I knew it wasn’t related to the usual 40,000,000 Google Search results about someone leaving a web server turned on. (How frustrating is google search these days?!?)

Anyway, solution is simple, thanks to this ServerFault thread for getting me 90% of the way there.

I’m repeating for the sake of getting this acknowledged better in the search results.

sudo nano /etc/sysctl.d/50-unprivileged-ports.conf

Paste in:

Save file
sudo sysctl --system

Restart Docker

Your container will now bind correctly!