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picture of a g502 mouse

Logitech G502 DPI Sensitivity Changer on Arch Linux

When booting up my EndeavorOS Arch Linux machine today, I was confronted with my mouse moving at around 3200 DPI. I normally use my computer at around 400-800 so it threw me off a fair bit. Thankfully I came across a reddit post which highlighted there is a utility that brings the DPI configuration to Linux. It is called piper Install Simply run the following command: Then in your start… Read More »Logitech G502 DPI Sensitivity Changer on Arch Linux

logo of the RES extension

Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) Permissions Problem Firefox

A very surprising problem I’ve had moving to EndeavourOS is my Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) no longer opening up links in the nice expand feature it had before. Usually there would be a little button next to the link, you’d press that and it would insert the content there in the page. It worked perfectly on Manjaro, Windows, but seemingly not on this OS. The only difference I can think… Read More »Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) Permissions Problem Firefox

endeavour os screenshot

Arch Linux (EndeavourOS) Binding to port 80 – Permission Denied Solution

As with many tech issues, I have banged my head against this so you don’t have too. The problem here is EndeavourOS seems to in some way react differently with port bindings. I in my entire experience of using Docker on both Windows and various distros of Linux have never came across this problem until today. I could not for the life of me bind my Nginx server to port… Read More »Arch Linux (EndeavourOS) Binding to port 80 – Permission Denied Solution

Error Code: 50196 Teams for Linux – Solution

A painful error that I have experienced a few times now is regarding local time on my machine. I’ll install an operating system or somehow something gets out of sync and before I know it’ it’s 11pm on my local machine, but actually it’s 10pm. If you have freshly installed Teams and are getting this issue, look at your clock, it’ll be wrong, run the following command (on arch) to… Read More »Error Code: 50196 Teams for Linux – Solution

Why is the Call of Duty Steam app so bad?

I’ll be honest. I haven’t played Modern Warfare 2 in quite some time. way before the XP went bananas and you could rank up hundreds of levels via one Warzone game. Infact, I think the last time I played it was just before Warzone launched. It’s never interested me, but I seen that Modern Warfare 3 launched this week and figured I’d check what’s changed. Game Gone! First of all,… Read More »Why is the Call of Duty Steam app so bad?

Investigating Game Development: Is it possible? A ramble.

For the past 3 days now I have been trying to wrap my head around writing an article. One of which has actually made me insanely passionate for the game development space, and rather terrified. Why? Because frankly I’m worried that I’ve been barking up the wrong tree this entire time, and yet I’ve got absolutely nobody to blame for why gaming is the way it is. Now don’t get… Read More »Investigating Game Development: Is it possible? A ramble.

AI Generated image of the term "Brawhammer"

A Reinvention

After a fair amount of deliberating and debating. It’s time for another switch up. Yes… another. I realize I change usernames and branding every year, but hey, I enjoy it, so here we are. This probably won’t affect many people that read this blog, but I like to keep it somewhere. A record of change so to speak. The deed poll update of the internet! One thing that will always… Read More »A Reinvention

Actual engine

PlayFab, Character Lists, UE5 – First Game Update

Today is the day that marks nearly a week (months, this ended up in drafts for a while!) since I posted about kickstarting a new game project. I won’t lie, it has been extremely hard to make progress, alas it has been a rather tough time at work with brain melting problems, only to finish the day and then restart all over again, this time with Unreal Engine. But it’s… Read More »PlayFab, Character Lists, UE5 – First Game Update