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Error Code: 50196 Teams for Linux – Solution

A painful error that I have experienced a few times now is regarding local time on my machine. I’ll install an operating system or somehow something gets out of sync and before I know it’ it’s 11pm on my local machine, but actually it’s 10pm. If you have freshly installed Teams and are getting this issue, look at your clock, it’ll be wrong, run the following command (on arch) to… Read More »Error Code: 50196 Teams for Linux – Solution

AI Generated image of the term "Brawhammer"

A Reinvention

After a fair amount of deliberating and debating. It’s time for another switch up. Yes… another. I realize I change usernames and branding every year, but hey, I enjoy it, so here we are. This probably won’t affect many people that read this blog, but I like to keep it somewhere. A record of change so to speak. The deed poll update of the internet! One thing that will always… Read More »A Reinvention