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Cloudflare Turnstile Not Loading VueJS Custom Element – undefined (reading ‘toLowerCase’)

I decided to try Cloudflares take on the “Captcha” problem with Turnstile. It’s a pretty useful tool albeit I had one problem, I couldn’t actually get it to initialze. Turns out as this Cloudflare forum poster made me aware of, it’s because my component never had a body, nor was included in a <body> tag. Seemingly the documentation is missing this, presuming I guess everyone’s forms are in bodys I… Read More »Cloudflare Turnstile Not Loading VueJS Custom Element – undefined (reading ‘toLowerCase’)

Phone being held up the endless Video and Streaming Project

There comes a time where everyone needs to eventually call it in, and give up the ghost when it comes to chasing a project and chasing the high that completing features is giving. It’s not an easy thing to do, but at a point you’ve gained the experience and the most you’ve got to give now is something for the users. What if you have no users? Well that’s what… Read More » the endless Video and Streaming Project