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Error Code: 50196 Teams for Linux – Solution

A painful error that I have experienced a few times now is regarding local time on my machine. I’ll install an operating system or somehow something gets out of sync and before I know it’ it’s 11pm on my local machine, but actually it’s 10pm.

If you have freshly installed Teams and are getting this issue, look at your clock, it’ll be wrong, run the following command (on arch) to fix it

sudo ntpd -qg

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way. Can I ask why on hell I have to dig through several layers of documentation just to figure that out. I knew my time was off, but it never bothered me because NO OTHER APPLICATION DEPENDS ON IT. Especially not even Teams for the web browser, which electron is just a glorified version of!

Either Teams is doing something overkill on Desktop, or everyone else is slacking on security. Either way the nature of fracturing of standards in the industry is painful because it’s things like this that catch you out, end up with you in a rabbit hole for a simple fix. I hope this article lets your frustrations be validated, and helps fix your problem.