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A Reinvention

After a fair amount of deliberating and debating. It’s time for another switch up. Yes… another. I realize I change usernames and branding every year, but hey, I enjoy it, so here we are. This probably won’t affect many people that read this blog, but I like to keep it somewhere. A record of change so to speak. The deed poll update of the internet! One thing that will always… Read More »A Reinvention

Actual engine

PlayFab, Character Lists, UE5 – First Game Update

Today is the day that marks nearly a week (months, this ended up in drafts for a while!) since I posted about kickstarting a new game project. I won’t lie, it has been extremely hard to make progress, alas it has been a rather tough time at work with brain melting problems, only to finish the day and then restart all over again, this time with Unreal Engine. But it’s… Read More »PlayFab, Character Lists, UE5 – First Game Update

Phone being held up the endless Video and Streaming Project

There comes a time where everyone needs to eventually call it in, and give up the ghost when it comes to chasing a project and chasing the high that completing features is giving. It’s not an easy thing to do, but at a point you’ve gained the experience and the most you’ve got to give now is something for the users. What if you have no users? Well that’s what… Read More » the endless Video and Streaming Project

XOrg stuck at 100% CPU Usage | Laggy Experience in Games | Laggy Manjaro (SOLUTION)

It’ll be good to set the scene because this one was a head scratcher, but it makes sense so I’m actually fine to have ran into this after months on Manjaro. I’ve been slowly migrating over game after game to Linux, and one big one I was into just before I switched was Battlefield 4. I’ve been enjoying replaying it, but I always ran into a few issues with the… Read More »XOrg stuck at 100% CPU Usage | Laggy Experience in Games | Laggy Manjaro (SOLUTION)